Laura E Spath
Fitness & Health • Food • Lifestyle
I have lost over 100 pounds on a Carnivore diet. I share my lifestyle and diet on IG and YouTube. I am looking to create a Locals community for my closest fans/supporters. I want them to be able to connect with each other and have access to exclusive content from me.
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Happy Monday evening everyone!
It was a good Livestream tonight, as much as I got to hear. Was making Farmer's supper and folding laundry and had to leave early. I'll finish it tomorrow. Welcome to the new people I saw!
Today was a day. Good part was we are now on corn, so moving forward in harvest. And the cold front came through so it's much cooler this evening and will be tomorrow. But 90 again by the weekend. 😱🥵

Exercise/movement: Not a lot. Busy at my desk at work. Did do a Wm shop (again!) for Farmer. No good yellow tag sales in the meat dept.
Not enough time this evening to go on a walk. I miss it. Hopefully tomorrow after work.

Food: Fasting. I"m at almost 24 hours of my 42. I'm feeling strong this time around. No extra cravings while making dinner. I made up burger patties for lunches this week. I fried up 2 and will break my fast at lunch.

Laura was talking about her labs tonight. I've been feeling a bit worn out too. I wrote it off to my age (61) and how busy we are on a daily basis. But then I wondered if maybe we are low in iodine as Dr Berry says most adults are. I know we don't eat near enough seafood. So we've been taking 3 drops 2x a day and I'm feeling different/better. (Just asked Farmer if he can tell a difference and he said he feels better too.) Can't say I'm bouncing off the walls, but I don't feel as tired. I'll keep you posted on how we feel over the next month. We also added in Vit D3/K2 as we are heading into the dark months.

Ok, time to finish cleaning up the kitchen and I'll see my bed earlier tonight. Sleep sweet!

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January 13, 2024
Nathaniel's Medium Rare Pepperonis

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September 17, 2023
Segovia Pig

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April 30, 2023
Great Episode

This is such a good episode!! The first half they talk statins and the prescription drug/medical industry. Highly recommend listening.

Monday, Sept 30th

Happy Monday!! How was your weekend? I hope you are feeling great today and ready to start a new week! Today is the last day of September, can you believe it?

What was the biggest challenge or set back that you faced in September?! I don't ask this so you can confess or feel shame about it. I think it's important to reflect back and think about the events that led up to that setback or challenge so you can learn from it next time and experience a different outcome. Those setbacks can actually help us getting stronger and become more consistent if we can learn from them!

Hope to chat with you on the Livestream tonight.

Just funny

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Day 13 - Down 0 Today

Today's motivation is to be thankful!

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Some people are without anything and I know how I felt when we lost everything in a fire when I was a teenager. You walk around the next morning and realize you don't even have a toothbrush or a hairbrush or a change of clothing it is a strange feeling. My heart breaks for them all. It is hard to sit and write down what are the necessities I need to go to town and get just to get started with your first day of life after losing everything. All your...

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