Laura E Spath
Fitness & Health • Food • Lifestyle
I have lost over 100 pounds on a Carnivore diet. I share my lifestyle and diet on IG and YouTube. I am looking to create a Locals community for my closest fans/supporters. I want them to be able to connect with each other and have access to exclusive content from me.
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September 17, 2023
Segovia Pig

Well total miscommunication with the pig for lunch today. 😂 We thought we ordered the whole pig but maybe because we ordered so much other food or because there was only 3 of us they brought us one PORTION of pig and not the whole one. It was probably all the food we needed because we also had blood sausage, fried bacon, octopus, and a bunch of cheeses...but I was bummed I didn't get a picture with one. 😂😂 I took this before from someone else's table thinking ours was on the way still. They cut the pig with a plate to show you how tender it is. The skin was absolutely incredible. They only season it with salt and then pour over some of the broth it's cooked in on your plate. Such an incredible meal.

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January 13, 2024
Nathaniel's Medium Rare Pepperonis

Nathaniel has perfected what he calls "Medium Rare" Pepperoni chips. For a more crispy texture leave them in for one minute..but he thinks 55 seconds is the perfect chewy/crunchy texture.

April 30, 2023
Great Episode

This is such a good episode!! The first half they talk statins and the prescription drug/medical industry. Highly recommend listening.

March 11, 2023
Family Lunch

Nathaniel and I cooked lunch today while Chris and Penelope were at Jiu Jitsu. Just some behind the scenes footage.

Monday, Sept 30th

Happy Monday!! How was your weekend? I hope you are feeling great today and ready to start a new week! Today is the last day of September, can you believe it?

What was the biggest challenge or set back that you faced in September?! I don't ask this so you can confess or feel shame about it. I think it's important to reflect back and think about the events that led up to that setback or challenge so you can learn from it next time and experience a different outcome. Those setbacks can actually help us getting stronger and become more consistent if we can learn from them!

Hope to chat with you on the Livestream tonight.

Good morning beautiful people! I want to take a moment and thank Laura and everyone who supported me this month! I lost 9 pounds total! And I stick to my non negotiable which is “to stick to carnivore foods only”. Which I did thank God! Slowly but surely I’m moving in the right direction! I’m on the roll! The mood is beast mode for sure 😁I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength today and every day! Philippians 4:13
Thank you all again! Your support is so helpful and important to me! Much appreciated 💕

I was busy over the weekend and so didn't post, but am making up for it now ! I met a good friend on Saturday for a day of shopping and catching up. We haven't seen each other for a while and she was stunned at how different I look now than from the last time we met 😁. She asked what I was doing and I told her and got the same response I usually get from people "oh I don't think I could give up __________". I said it is definitely a mind set and you have to be ready. Anyway, we had a brunch and the only thing that looked good to me was the chef salad and she had a very carby and syrupy breakfast. We than walked around shopping and got hungry again ! We went to a Mexican restaurant and I had the insides of 3 steak tacos and some guacamole. She had a very carby entree and afterwards kept saying how miserable she was.... ugh I remember those days all too well and am happy to report I had did not get bloated or have any stomach issues which I have to say is one of the biggest bonuses ...

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